Sunday, April 12, 2009

Christ has risen!

He has risen indeed! As each year goes by and I grow more deeply in my faith, I find that the days of remembrance and celebration carry more depth in their meaning. This particular Easter season however, has not been the joyful time for me of past seasons. The challenges of my journey has made it difficult to embrace the moment as I would like to. As I continue to be honest with the Lord however, He has been faithful to make Himself known to me. Today as I stood in church seeking to attend to the amazing miracle and gift of our risen Lord, a powerful phrase settled in on me that quickly brought me into the moment. Not only has Christ risen from the dead but He has risen within us! As those words ran through my mind over and over again, I began to notice a movement within me that wanted to burst forth and share this message of truth with those around me. The power, love and grace of God is made alive within us so that we might experience communion with Him and be the hands and feet of Jesus to those around us. This is the true miracle of Easter.

Have you allowed the Lord Jesus Christ to rise up within you?

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