Thursday, September 1, 2011

God's Profound Love

 “ When I close my eyes to attend to my picture of God, my body is set alive by the experience.  I see colors rising and falling as they flow across a canvas. I hear music swirling and dancing all around me. I feel a deep longing within me to hold the brush from which the colors stream, allowing it to guide my hand with bold yet graceful movement.  My body aches to turn and flow with the swells that the music within me creates.  When I am able and willing to release these longings and step into all that they create, I find myself in a sincere and divine place of worship.  These divine places of worship, at times, are explosive, rich with joy filled energy and yet at other times, reverent and broken so deeply aware of the holiness of God. “

These words came out of a personal journal entry from some time ago.  They touch my heart and remind me of such sacred moments when I have been willing to open my heart, mind and body to God.  When I allow myself to be exposed to God's profound, healing and intimate love, I am blessed with a holy awareness and knowing of my Maker that cannot easily be described.  Today I am invited to allow God's love to penetrate the very shame in my life that I have been hiding and guarding for so very long.  The invitation brings fear and hesitation for what might occur during that process as the shame has kept my secrets safe for such a long time.  It is important now that I remember the words and experience I described over 2 1/2 years ago.  They allow me to look forward remembering that God's love is good and healing and gentle.  They allow me to imagine an experience that comes out of a divine love that brings wholeness and joy.  They encourage and strengthen my choice to allow God to lavish His love on me and to rely on His guard, His protection and to rest under the shadow of His wing.

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