Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Back to the Basics

Over this last week, I have noticed significant feelings of oppression and inner tumoil.  These feelings have unearthed shadows of the self-abuse and self-hatred that I formually lived out of.  It has been disturbing to say the least.  After a few days of struggle, I was finally able to pay attention to my true self, the self that lives out of freedom, grace and love.  I was finally able to know again, that I needed to shift my focus and go back to the basics.  A question that had once been asked of me, came to mind once again.  "What does it look like to live loved?"  It was a gentle reminder to me that God was inviting me to simply be with Him, enjoy Him, receive from Him and love Him.  So I turn, seek the face of Jesus, worship, rest and trust in His unfailing love.  It doesn't magically make my circumstances or challenges disappear but it does bring me back to the hope of knowing that He will never leave me nor forsake me and He will complete what He has begun!

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