Often I will sit in scripture that speaks into my own story. One of these passages comes out of Luke 7:36-50, the story of Jesus being anointed by a sinful woman. Scripture doesn't speak into what happened before the sinful woman showed up at the house where Jesus was staying, nor does it speak to what thoughts she may have had. My ponderings on these thoughts are hypothetical and may or may not be culturally accurate. However, as I consider all of these things, I find myself in a holy space where God can meet me in my own story to speak His truth in profound ways. The following piece is some of my writing that has come out of this type of study.
I Imagine
I imagine a woman living a sinful, immoral life. She walks through the streets drawing attention to herself, appearing bold and confident in what she has to offer.
I imagine a woman alone in her home, covered in shame and despair.
I imagine this woman hearing stories of Jesus. Stories of hope coming out of despair; stories that uncover a deep longing in her heart. A longing to be known in the midst of her sinfulness and to be loved in spite of it.
I imagine this woman going to listen to Jesus as he teaches the crowd yet staying at a distance, hidden.
I imagine Jesus, fully aware of her presence and yet careful not to reveal her hiding place or His knowledge of it. All the while, Jesus speaks clearly the words he knows her heart needs to hear.
I imagine a woman who knows that this is the man that will take the place of all others.
I imagine the stares of the onlookers in the room as the woman approaches Jesus in spite of all the social and religious implications.
I imagine the woman, holding nothing back, pouring out her love and gratitude knowing she need not look any further for her savior.
I imagine Jesus as he turned to the woman and looked at her with a love and acceptance, not of the sinful life she has led, but of the child God first created. A look so powerful that it penetrates her heart.
"Your sins are forgiven…Your faith has saved you; go in peace."